In partnership with Sugar Grove Church, we are raising support to get a Bible to every high school basketball player in Elkhart County.

Goal: 500 Bibles, 10 High Schools with and average of 50 basketball student-athletes per school (boys and girls varsity and junior varsity)

Donate below for a single Bible for an athlete ($7), cover a team ($105), a whole school ($350) or any number you feel called to.

Bibles will be purchased and distributed THIS SEASON. More information can be found below or you can submit your donation at the link below (choose one-time donation and enter your amount)


Basketball and Bibles FAQ

Why Bibles?
Studies have indicated that the single most influential factor in a young person's spiritual health is whether or not they read the Bible. In a day where 2/3 of young people are leaving the church before graduating college, there may be nothing more important than getting a Bible in their hands.

Why Athletes?
First, because of the influence they have on campuses. If we are able to reach athletes, their influence will have an impact on many others. Second, having been evaluated by their success and failures their entire lives, athletes have a strong understanding of identity. They can relate to and be impacted by the message of the gospel in unique ways as they hear how we can not earn salvation, but it is a free gift of God's grace.

What Bibles will be distributed?
We will utilize FCA's brand new Sports Bible, which is a CSB (Christian Standard Bible) translation. This version was selected because we not only want to get a Bible in athletes' hands, but we also want to be intentional about their next steps with Jesus. This Bible includes resources designed specifically for athletes, including reading plans and devotionals. Importantly, it also includes ways that athletes can engage with other athletes, sports/faith programming, coaches, and mentors to help them on their faith journey.

How will they be distributed?

We will use our network of coaches and school administrators to distribute Bibles to the basketball teams. When possible, the distribution will be as part of a team chapel or devotion before or after a practice or a game. No student will be required to take a Bible, but all will be encouraged to do so.

If you have any other questions, ideas, or want to learn more about what FCA is doing locally, please contact Area Director Josh Gleason at or (574) 326-1657.

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