Local Area FCA Blog

NC Indiana FCA Blog

By Josh Gleason February 22, 2022
BLOG INTRO: For 25 years now, I have been involved in high school or college athletics in some fashion: as an athlete, coach, administrator, and now as a ministry leader. I am far from an expert on just about anything, at least anything useful. Despite writing being my least favorite subject in school, I spent over a decade of my career telling stories, much of it using the written word (God does have a sense of humor). Using my own personal experiences and the journey of many coaches and athletes I have worked with or watched closely, God is calling me back to storytelling. While there will be individual stories told about people, this blog is a story about how sports and faith in the one true God were made to interact.

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By Josh Gleason February 22, 2022
BLOG INTRO: For 25 years now, I have been involved in high school or college athletics in some fashion: as an athlete, coach, administrator, and now as a ministry leader. I am far from an expert on just about anything, at least anything useful. Despite writing being my least favorite subject in school, I spent over a decade of my career telling stories, much of it using the written word (God does have a sense of humor). Using my own personal experiences and the journey of many coaches and athletes I have worked with or watched closely, God is calling me back to storytelling. While there will be individual stories told about people, this blog is a story about how sports and faith in the one true God were made to interact.
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