When: Saturday, June 10th
Where: Woodland Courts @ First Baptist Church
53953 County Rd 17, Bristol, IN 46507
Intermediate and Advanced Pools - 8-11:00 a.m.
Beginner Pools - 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Round Robin Format
A great day of fellowship, fun, and pickleball.
$25 per player includes play, prizes, food, and more...
Title Sponsor - $500
Naming rights to the event
Recognition as event sponsor on signage
Recognition as event sponsor on website
Year round logo on FCA Go Trailer
Charitable contribution to FCA
Silver Sponsor - $300
Recognition sign
Name on Awards or Food Table
Ability to set up promotional table
Charitable contribution to FCA
Court Sponsor - $100
Recognition sign
Website recognition
Charitable contribution to FCA